Thursday, January 4, 2007


We flew in to Pisa
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on Ryan Air, a small European airline that specializes in extremely cheap low budget flights. We had spent the previous evening in the Glasgow airport.

Clearly not my picture
I had been to Pisa before and assured Krystin that we could see all the sights in a day. We took a bus to the Cathedral Square where the Tower, Baptistery and Cathedral reside.

Took the normal pictures, and then walked around looking at the tourist booths where they sell little trinkets, flags, watches and lots of other little things. The men who sold the goods were not Italian but spoke it and many other languages. They seemed to have friends and rivals amongst the other sellers. I don’t remember where the men said they were from, I know we asked. I think they might have been Pakistani. I also do not know where the goods were from.

Krystin bought sunglasses I think and maybe a flag (she was determined to get a flag from each country).
We weren’t quite sure which of the buildings we wanted to check out. They are quite expensive and Krystin was on a tight budget. We took pictures along the outside of the buildings and checked out the Cathedral which was free I think and then decided to move on. Krystin bought pizza on the street.

On the way back we saw graffiti all over the place, a lot of it was written in English or directed at tourists, I took pictures of one that said “Bush was a murderer” "Bush Shit"  and another that said “stop war” I remember one said “touristas go home” which I think might be Spanish and not Italian, but I’m not sure.

Near the train/bus station we waited for a bus to Florence, which is just a short trip.
I’m guessing I ate McDonalds (I eat there constantly, I know its wrong). The menu items were more expensive than I thought they would be. Krystin ate inside the station which also has a little mall area. She had pasta or something, which also cost a fortune.
We sat in the middle of the mall area for a long time. I think I even fell asleep. Eventually we got on a bus for Florence. I left some of my British change in the mall for the kids to play with.

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