Saturday, July 2, 2011

A Week in York part 2

So for the rest of my week I basically decided I would try to check out some of the tourist options. Like the National Railway Museum

Full of trains, just full up with em. 
It was actually a fairly impressive collection and one had to wonder how they got all those trains in to the museum (probably had to do with all the train tracks on the floor). 

After that I spent some time walking the walls until I got to the Yorkshire Museum
which I really enjoyed. It had collections of artifacts found in the area and told the history from the Roman times to present (kind of). Mostly it told the story of the Roman times and a little about the Anglo-Saxon stuff... I found later that most of the other time periods were covered in different exhibits around York.

The Gardens were beautiful though, with the remains of St. Mary's Abbey 

 Later I reconnected with Becky and we walked some more of the York City Walls
These pictures are all types of out of order... 

Cliffords Tower

York Minster

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