Friday, July 19, 2013

Iceland impressions II.

The first of these check ins was accidentally posted on a different blog, I will remedy and spell check later and make sure everything gets where it needs to be. Also pictures and videos will be added later  I have decided... Because there is enough to keep people going on Facebook and no one actually reads this. I'm enjoying some green tea after a quiet day. I woke up to my annoyance at around 7 am.... On my one day to sleep in I couldn't... 
I trounced around hafnarfjudor or whatever the hell that city is called -fix in post.   My first stop was to the harbor a place I'd thought of going the night before at midnight but had gone to sleep instead... The harbor wasn't all that to look at, I soon found out the whole town was that way. I could arguably say the backyard of my hostel which happens to be a sculpture garden and the combination KFC Taco Bell are probably the most fascinating things in town.  The art galleries seemed to be closed, the Viking hotel had some roosters and some great statues outside, the theater could not be found and the cliffs were just kind of ehhhh.   The troll garden which should have been the best part was mostly just a park. The mall was bland, and I spent more time journaling there then actually shopping.  Ira as cute to see a good chunk of towns old man population come to get coffee and talk at the mall... According to the tour guide pamphlets the other big place to meet is the public pool.     A warm bath does sound good to me right now, but it will have to wait until tomorrow when hopefully I will visit the blue lagoon. 

After that cute little trip around town I paid my bill and booked a tour at the hostel. Snaelfellsnes on Sunday.   Which meant the rest of today and tomorrow I needed to check some things off the list.  I bussed into town after eating some KFC the cheapest meal I've had so far at around $10.  Then proceeded to the national museum which was way better than the stupid pearl museum,  2 full floors of stories and items from iceland a long history... Or short history in some ways, this was one of the most recently settled places in the world.  I really enjoyed the little videos that went along with the exhibits, and the first floor which was basically from settlement till the reformation was more interesting than the more recent stuff- and I think iceland feels the same because all of their museums are about the first half of their history and maybe the last 67 or so years since independence. 

I realized after the national museum that I didn't really need to see anymore Viking museums, so I skipper Reykjavik settlement museum, but looked at the prices at a few others... It's possible I will check one more out tomorrow if I can fit t in... But then I am never coming back to iceland. Cuz I have seen everything but the northern lights and the bigger whales (assuming tomorrows plan of seeing the local whales goes well).   

I walked around the harbor some more and then walked the shopping streets agin in search of a treat but figured 6 bucks for a crepe was kind of a lot.   Also I saw the most delicious ice cream in the world but of course I am lac-tarded. So I'm back at my favorites combo coffee shop and bookstore typing away until I get dinner. 

Next post will be about yesterday.

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